Sunday, 7 September 2014

Computer Security - Links Really Worth Sharing

          Its been a long time since I last wrote a blog post but I have decided to share whatever bit of info I know in the form of  blog posts from now on. If you find reading this post worth your time, please do follow my blog and I shall keep interesting you.

This post is for all those people who love computer security and would want to know more about it. I have been interested in this field for the past several years and I have come across very useful links which I would like to share with you today .These links have been part of my bookmarks ever since I found them and I hope they will make it to yours too :). A lot of  efforts have already been put in by many people to organize the various blogs, articles, websites,wargame into various useful categories. My job , in this post would be simply to make you aware of such worthy links.

Some useful links worth sharing:

This is an enormous list comprising of a lot of interesting blogs, tutorials and have been categorized systematically. If anyone from the security industry hasn't come across this then I must say that the person surely would have spent more time in collecting resources about a particular topic in computer security.A big thanks to all the people who have worked behind this and its quite disappointing that its been a while since they have updated the list(Its almost been 3 years now).Nevertheless, a great treasure of resources for a security enthusiast.Most of the links are worth going through barring a few.

If you are a CTF player then you ought to have come across this site. I regularly keep visiting this site to check if there is any CTF going on although I am not a very serious participant. If you dont have any idea of what a CTF is have a look at these links apart from the wiki of course :P. beginner level CTF..Try solving a few questions from the past year CTF's and you will get a fair idea).

This link contains a number of CTF's which are online most part of the year and you could particpate anytime you want.If you are a geek or a person who loves to code or someone who loves learning new things then a word of advice for you guys - Try and participate in any of the CTFs(You will get addicted to it)

Null is an open security community based in India. If you are from India, I would highly recommend you to join this community. Null also holds monthly meetups, workshops in various parts of India like Bengaluru, Pune, Mumbai, Chennai,Dharmashala etc.

I am adding this here for two reasons.
1) I like Python 
2) I think as a penetration tester or a CTF player, you should master at least one scripting language
If you really like Python , you can give this challenge a shot.

The list is not going to stop here and not anytime soon. I would also request you to suggest good links if you come across any.